epub, mobi |eng | 2007-08-16 | Author:Stephen Fry [Fry, Stephen]

II Stanzaic Variations OPEN FORMS Tercets, quatrains and other stanzas – terza rima – ottava rima – rhyme royal – ruba’iyat – the Spenserian stanza A TERCET is a stanza ...
( Category: Writing Skills October 14,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2010-11-21 | Author:Orson Scott Card

CHAPTER NINE THE HERO AND THE COMMON MAN When the ancient Greeks and Romans told a serious story, the characters were kings and queens, great warriors and heroes, the sort ...
( Category: Fiction October 14,2014 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2011-11-04 | Author:Lawrence Block [Block, Lawrence]

LOOKING AT THE WRITER IN THE MIRROR The afternoon section of Write For Your Life begins with a meditation, essentially the same meditation we used to start the morning. Then ...
( Category: Authorship October 9,2014 )
epub | | | Author:Katherine Herbert

4. Dueling Dialogue: When two characters speak at the same time, their dialogue can be put on the page side by side; or, in the description, indicate that both characters ...
( Category: Fiction September 15,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 1976-01-04 | Author:Cleckley, Hervey [Cleckley, Hervey]

Kraepelin Schneider255 Partridge236 The excitable The unstable The eccentric The liars and swindlers The emotionally unstable The quarrelsome The hyperthymic The depressive The insecure The fanatic The self-seeking The anti-social ...
( Category: Authorship September 5,2014 )
mobi, epub, azw3, pdf |eng | 1986-01-02 | Author:John Gardner

or In the so-called periodic sentence, highly recommended by high-school English teachers, the most interesting or important thing in the sentence is pushed into the final slot, as in "Down ...
( Category: Fiction August 21,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2013-06-04 | Author:Johnson, Celia Blue [Johnson, Celia Blue]

In the Shadow of Masters Many great writers developed their voices, in part, by tracing the words of their favorite predecessors. While Jack London handwrote Rudyard Kipling’s stories, Ray Bradbury ...
( Category: Authorship July 31,2014 )
epub, mobi, pdf |eng | 2009-01-08 | Author:Walter Mosley [Mosley, Walter]

Whether your approach is structured or intuitive, you will have to discover form in your novel. As I said before, the novel is an accumulation of many stories coming together ...
( Category: Authorship July 31,2014 )
epub |eng | 1999-12-27 | Author:Cameron, Julia [Cameron, Julia]

Think of this tool as a private resume. It will help point you in directions that have genuine meaning in your own value system. This tool is a potent defense ...
( Category: Fiction July 4,2014 )
mobi, epub |eng | 2012-04-16 | Author:Edgerton, Les [Edgerton, Les]

Vocabulary Although tone is the most important component of voice, the element that is responsible for more writers being “writerly” is the vocabulary they utilize in their writing. While the ...
( Category: Fiction June 5,2014 )
epub, azw3, pdf |eng | 2008-05-31 | Author:James Wood [Wood, James]

80 In fact, the ubiquitous flat character of the English novel, from Mr. Collins to Charles Ryder’s father, tells us something deep about the dialectic of British reticence and sociability, ...
( Category: Fiction June 1,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2010-08-08 | Author:Girard, Dara [Girard, Dara]

Typos in the correspondence. Promises to make you a “star.” Everyone likes to get his ego stroked, scam artists know this. Doesn’t submit your work. Sends you form rejection letters. ...
( Category: Fiction May 23,2014 )